2-in-1 Training Webinar Sessions - Hydrogen

600 €

Clean Horizon Consulting will host 2 webinar training sessions on Hydrogen in July 2021.


GROUP DISCOUNT: Interested in registering 3 participants or more (up to 5) ?

Please enter 1 as quantity and type CORP2IN1 in the coupon field to benefit from a total price of 1 800 EUR/ 2 025 USD. If you chose the CORP2IN1 option, please contact training@cleanhorizon.com with the list of registrees (Company, Paypal transaction ID, first and last name, email address).

Two online sessions:

July 6th 2021 - 3pm/6pm CET: Introduction to hydrogen - applications, technologies and costs

This introductory session to energy storage is a great introduction the energy storage markets worldwide, taking a look at the broader picture from an international perspective.

July 8th 2021 - 3pm/6pm CET: The business case for clean hydrogen in France.

This second session covers the market structure in Europe and its benefits for H2 electrolysers and the market developments for electrolysers to provide a variety of services across the electricity supply chain.


  • Serge Agbli, Ph.D. - Power Systems Expert and Head of Hydrogen team

  • Naïm El Chami, MSc. - Senior Hydrogen and Energy Storage Analyst

  • Rachel Locquet, MSc. - Hydrogen and Energy Storage Analyst


What’s included?

  • Two 3-hour live webinar
  • Q&A
  • Training slides

Who should attend?

Any stakeholder interested in understanding the Hydrogen market and the different technologies available.

Investors, developers, independent power producers willing to have a good level of understanding of the different revenue streams available for hydrogen production systems in France as well as the applicable regulations and financing. This session is also a good opportunity for international stakeholders to understand how the current and future French market structures enable electrolyser development through revenue stacking to maximise benefits.





Session 1 - Introduction to Hydrogen

 Orders of magnitude

 Introduction to key electrolysis projects

 Hydrogen basics

 Brief high-level comparison between Fuel Cell, Battery Electric and Conventional vehicles

Value chain:

● Main Hydrogen applications

● Focus on the hydrogen value chain: production, transport and distribution

● Hydrogen compression & storage

● Means of Hydrogen transport: what is the most economical way to transport H2 over short and long distances? 


● Introduction to well-established and novel technologies involved in hydrogen production

● Comparison of various electrolyzer and fuel cell technologies from a technical and cost perspective


Session 2 - The business cas for clean hydrogen in France

Regulatory and legal framework

● Current and upcoming regulations & norms that apply to the hydrogen sector

● Permitting and authorizations required for a French hydrogen production plant

Business case for hydrogen production through electrolysis

● Revenue streams

● Costs and revenue assumptions 

● Price of produced hydrogen using grid electricity in France

● Price of produced hydrogen using renewable-sourced electricity in France

● Can BESS combined with PV lower the overall hydrogen production cost?

National and regional hydrogen strategies

● National and local strategies: support mechanisms, subsidies and targets

● Broader European projects and initiatives

● A quantitative forecast of the storage landscape in 2025




Online registration:

Choose your currency for payment then click on "Buy this product" and on "View Card". If you choose to register for up to 5 participants of the same company, enter the coupon code (CORPORATE).

You will need to create your online client account to proceed with payment through PayPal. Once your payment is done, a confirmation of your registration will be sent by email.

Cannot register online?

In order to receive a proforma invoice and pay through bank transfer, please send an email to accounting@cleanhorizon.com to including:

- The company name, its billing adress, its VAT number and any other mention (such as purchase order) needed by your finance department,

- The title of the training webinar for which you want to book attendance

- The first name and family names of the attendee(s).


FOR MORE INFO, please feel free to contact us at training@cleanhorizon.com