Update From the Field - April 2021: Benchmark of storage system performances

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Executive summary (2)

New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)

Americas (5)

Canada (5)

Europe (5)

France (5)


Project updates and announcements (6)

Overview of the 2021 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (6)

Projects announced or contracted this month (6)

Australia & Oceania (7)

Europe (8)

Projects commissioned this month (8)

Tenders this month (9)

Africa (9)


Focus of the month: benchmark of storage system performances (10)

Round trip efficiency (10)

Overview of guaranteed efficiency proposed by suppliers (10)

Impact of environment on storage round trip efficiency (11)

Simulation of operation under various conditions (12)

Usage profile: 2 cycle/day, for 1h storage system in France’s winter average day (5°C) (13)

Usage profile: 2 cycle/day, for 1h storage system in France’s summer average day (22°C) (13)

Usage profile: 2 cycle/day, for 1h storage system in Sahelian average day (30-45°C) (14)

Conclusions (14)

Degradation and lifetime (15)




Figure 1: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2020 and 2021 (ongoing) (6)

Figure 2: Global efficiency of storage systems (10)

Figure 3: High-level view of Clean Horizon's thermoelectric model (12)

Figure 4: Performance indicators for France’s summer average day (22°C) (12)

Figure 5: (a) indoor temperature profile and (b) Operating curve and duty cycle for a average winter day in France (13)

Figure 6: (a) indoor temperature profile and (b) Operating curve and duty cycle for average summer day in France (13)

Figure 7: (a) indoor temperature profile and (b) Operating curve and duty cycle for average Sahelian day (14)

Figure 8: Global efficiency evolution versus the temperature and the per day cycles number (14)