Update From the Field - April 2022: the potential for battery storage systems in Latin America

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Executive summary (5)

1. New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (6)

2. Project updates and announcements (7)

Overview of the 2021 & 2022 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (7)

Projects announced or contracted this month (8)

Projects commissioned this month (9)

Tenders this month (11)

3. Focus of the month: the potential for barttery storage systems in Latin Amercia (17)

3.1. The Chilean energy storage market (17)

3.1.1. Upcoming changes in Chile's capacity mechanism (17)

3.1.2. Storage for transmission grid congestion management (19)

3.1.3. Upcoming renewable plus storage tender in Chile (20)

3.2. Opportunities for Storage in Puerto Rico (22)

3.3. The Colombian energy storage market (23)

3.3.1. Grid investment deferral 2021 tender (23)

3.3.2. Ancillary services in Colombia (23)

3.3.3. Upcoming changes in the frequency regulation market (24)