Update From the Field - July 2022: the Texan Energy Storage Market: a new eldorado ?
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Make the most of our analysis concerning key data and trends in the energy storage industry worldwide
Executive summary (4)
1. New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)
2. Project updates and announcements (6)
Overview of the 2021 & 2022 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (6)
Projects announced or contracted this month (7)
Projects commissioned this month (9)
Tenders this month (10)
3. Focus of the month: the Texan Energy Storage Market, a new eldorado ? (14)
3.1. Overview of the electricity market (12)
3.1.1. Electricity mix (13)
3.1.2. Seen as a key market for storage, ERCOT has been attracting a considerable number of players (14)
3.2. Energy storage systems make their case thanks to high arbitrage and frequency control revenues (15)
3.2.1. The current regulatory framework is set to evolve to ensure optimal storage participation (15)
3.2.2. The ERCOT ancillary services market is creating new services in which batteries can perform greatly (16)
3.2.3. The volatility of the energy market makes a good case for energy storage systems (18)
Figure 1. Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2021 and 2022 (ongoing) (7)
Figure 2. ERCOT Operational Zone (13)
Figure 3. Battery storage interconnection queue (as of June 2022, ERCOT) (14)
Figure 4. Main applications for energy storage in Texas (16)
Figure 5. Daily average price spreads in 2021 (20)