Update From the Field - June 2021: Philippines, what’s the rationale for storage?

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Executive summary (2)

New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)

Americas (5)

United States (5)

Asia (5)

India (5)

Europe (5)

Greece (5)

Poland (6)

Oceania (6)

Australia (6)

Project updates and announcements (7)

Overview of the 2021 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (7)

Projects announced or contracted this month (7)

Africa (8)

Projects commissioned this month (9)

Asia (9)

Tenders this month (10)

Asia (10)

Oceania (10)

Americas (11)


Focus of the month: Philippines, what’s the rationale for storage? (12)

Introduction (12)

Electricity generation in the Philippines (12)

Electricity supply chain (14)

Specific regulations for energy storage (15)

Revenues for energy storage (16)

Wholesale market arbitrage (16)

Ancillary services (17)




Figure 1: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2020 and 2021 (ongoing) (7)

Figure 2:Electricity generation by source (as %) (14)

Figure 3: Majors actors of the electricity supply chain (15)

Figure 4: Average and standard deviation of daily price spread of wholesale market (ex-ante) in Luzon and Visayas (17)

Figure 5: SOC factor as a function of HSOC (20)




Table 1: List of storage projects (>20 MW) in CHESS (12)

Table 2: Announced or under construction project according to the Transmission Development Plan 2020-2040 (13)

Table 3: Recommended storage capacity for primary reserves according to the Transmission Development Plan 2020-2040 (16)

Table 4: Ancillary services classification in the Philippines (18)

Table 5: Contracted ancillary services capacities as of fourth quarter of 2020 (19)