Update From the Field - March 2020: Fire Safety of Stationary Lithium-ion Energy Storage Systems

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Executive summary (2)

New regulations and initiatives discussed this month   (5)

Americas (5)

Australia & Oceania (5)

Europe (5)

Project updates and announcements (8)

Overview of the 2020 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (8)

Projects announced or contracted this month (8)

Australia & Oceania (9)

Americas (9)

Projects commissioned this month (10)

Australia & Oceania (10)

Tenders this month (10)

Australia & Oceania (10)

Europe (10)

Americas (12)

Focus of the month: Fire Safety of Stationary Lithium-ion Energy Storage Systems (13)

Technical aspects of the lithium-ion battery security risks (13)

The process leading to the thermal runaway within lithium-ion batteries (13)

Influence of the cell chemistry, age and state of charge on the failure risks (17)

Recent lithium-ion battery fires and their takeaways (19)

As the stationary Li-ion energy storage industry witnesses a remarkable boom, new safety codes and standards try to keep up (22)

As they evolve, Li-ion ESS-related fire codes and standards come with their own set of rules and lead to some confusion within project stakeholders (23)

Recommendations and good practices regarding fire protection and stationary Li-ion ESS (25)

Better be safe than sorry: passive measures for risk prevention (26)

Monitoring measures for early detection (26)

Fire extinction measures (27)

Addendum: Non-exhaustive list of main Lithium-ion ESS fire safety codes & standards (30)




Figure 1. Capacity awarded in the French AOLT auctions (6)

Figure 2. 450 MW of batteries approved for 2025 under Germany's network extension plan (7)

Figure 3. Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2019 and 2020 ongoing   (8)

Figure 4. Li-ion battery fire origin patterns   (13)

Figure 5. Li-ion battery cell structure (14)

Figure 6. Thermal Runaway apparition process (15)

Figure 7. Detailed cell degradation stages preceding thermal runaway (15)

Figure 8. Main chemical reactions involved in the thermal runaway process (15)

Figure 9.  Comparison of NMC/LFP properties influencing the fire risk (19)

Figure 10.  McMicken ESS Site after the explosion     (20)

Figure 11. Leading fire protection codes and standards for stationary Li-ion systems (25)

Figure 12. Overview of must-have security features (25)