Update From the Field - March 2021: South Africa, a rising market for energy storage
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Executive summary (2)
New regulations and initiatives discussed this month (5)
Americas (5)
United States (5)
Europe (5)
United Kingdom (5)
Asia (5)
China (5)
Project updates and announcements (6)
Overview of the 2021 market for utility-scale energy storage projects (6)
Projects announced or contracted this month (6)
Australia & Oceania (7)
Europe (8)
Projects commissioned this month (9)
Tenders this month (9)
Africa (9)
Americas (9)
Focus of the month: South Africa, a rising market for energy storage (11)
Overview of the South African electricity sector (11)
Risk Mitigation IPP Procurement Programme: 2 GW of capacity tendered (12)
Tender technical requirements (12)
Reliability run (14)
What’s in the risk mitigation tender for storage? (14)
List of bidders and projects in the Risk Mitigation tender (14)
Eskom 1.4 GWh energy storage target (16)
Next 513 MW standalone energy storage procurement (17)
Figure 1: Utility-scale energy storage projects announced/contracted and commissioned in 2020 and 2021 (ongoing) (6)
Figure 2: Future changes in the South African electricity mix (11)
Figure 3: Risk Mitigation tender dispatch requirements (12)
Figure 4: Penalties for declaring unavailability less than 6h ahead of delivery (source: PPA) (13)
Figure 5: Projects proposed in the Risk Mitigation tender (15)
Figure 6: Results of the Risk Mitigation tender (16)