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Operating worldwide since 2009, Clean Horizon is dedicated to energy storage

Clean Horizon is a pioneer in the global energy storage sector

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16510 MWh
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Our expertise

Clean Horizon has in-depth expertise in global energy storage markets and supports projects from design through to commissioning.


Our activities include:

  • Conducting market analysis of various countries
  • Constructing business models for storage systems, based on price forecasts
  • Determining optimal sizing for storage projects
  • Supporting project development through  feasibility studies, procurement, audit and commissioning
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Michael obtained his Engineer’s degree at Mines ParisTech (France) and his Ph.D. at Stanford (USA). In 2009, he founded Clean Horizon, a consultancy entirely devoted to energy storage. Since its creation, Clean Horizon has confirmed its status as the only consultancy in the world specialized solely on energy storage and acting both as market analyst and a technical consultant.

Michael Salomon, Ph.D

Samuel graduated in engineering at Ecole Centrale de Lille (France) and in electrical engineering at Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Samuel brings heavy analytical knowhow to Clean Horizon, with previous experience including the modeling of a Brazilian distribution grid and the realization of a PV plus storage system implemented on vehicles.

At Clean Horizon, Samuel is the head of engineering and as such spearheads al the company’s technical consulting activities.


Partner / Head of Technical Consulting
Samuel Portebos, MSc.

Corentin Baschet graduated in engineering at Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris and studied his master in sustainable energies at the Imperial College in London. He worked in anaerobic submarine energy propulsion systems and racing yachts electricity system. In early 2016, he joined Clean Horizon’s team, where he works as a technical expert to assess the value of energy storage systems for electricity grids.

Partner / Head of Market Analysis
Corentin Baschet, MSc.

KKeila graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a specialization in Electrical Engineering. She is an engineer with over 16 years’ experience in the operation of electrical systems, measurement and analysis of disturbances on transmission systems, analysis of abnormal events on electrical systems. commissioning and maintenance of high-voltage equipment, At Clean Horizon, Keila works as a senior electrical engineer and is in charge of site audit activities and supervision of works and commissioning stages. She speaks French, English and Portuguese.

Senior Analyst – Senior Electrical Engineer
Keila Santiago, MSc.

Rachel Locquet serves as a Lead Consultant at Clean Horizon, joining the team in 2020 following her graduation from Institut d’Optique Graduate School and completion of the Sustainable Energy Futures master’s program at Imperial College London.

In her role, Rachel leads engagements encompassing energy storage training, market analysis, electricity and ancillary services price forecasting, energy storage business model optimization, and commercial due diligence.

Additionally, Rachel contributes to R&D efforts, including the development of Clean Horizon’s in-house BESS optimization tool, COSMOS, and coordinates the company’s price forecast activity.

Her expertise extends to European countries, with a focus on France, Germany, as well as the Nordic and Baltic regions.

Lead Consultant
Rachel Locquet, MSc.

Rosemary is a senior energy storage analyst at Clean Horizon. Her expertise lies in the profitability assessment of energy storage projects and in the conduction of market analyses on various European countries. She also dimensions energy storage projects by using optimization models to dispatch assets on energy and ancillary services markets in specific geographies. Rosemary graduated with an engineering degree from Institut d’Optique Graduate School and received a Master of Science in physics from Imperial College London.

Rosemary Colaert, MSc.

Amine obtained his two Engineer’s degrees at Centrale Paris (France) and Imperial College London (UK). At Clean Horizon, he works mainly on the design of trading algorithms for COSMOS simulation tool that calculates revenues for storage and renewables projects.

Mohamed Amine Benchfira, MSc.

After a Master’s degree in electrical and electronic systems in Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire, Dr AGBLI obtained his doctorate in electrical engineering at the University of Franche-Comté in France. After a postdoctoral career where he worked on industrial projects in the modeling and experimental validation of energy provision, he joined Clean Horizon Consulting to reinforce to become the company’s leading power systems expert and to lead the company’s R & D activities.

Its main task on the R&D axis is the causal/non-causal, static and/or dynamic, optimal and suboptimal modeling of power grids with a focus on storage integration. He is therefore actively involved in projects relying on Clean Horizon’s CRE-STORE simulation tool. In addition, Serge develops models of electrical network under MATLAB-SIMULINK®, CYME® or PowerFactory® to execute more detailed stability and transient analyses.

Power System Experts / Head of Hydrogen Team
Krehi Serge Agbli Ph.D

Naim El Chami is a graduate of Centrale Supélec in France, Université Paris Saclay in France and Saint Joseph’s University in Lebanon. After initial experiences in Saudi Arabia on project management and at EDF in France developing a market analysis for a novel power storage solution, Naim joined Clean Horizon in 2018.

A key analyst in the company, Naim has been in charge of conducting multiple market studies on geographies as different as the Nordics, Latin America and Middle-East countries. He is spearheading knowledge management activities in the company as the one-stop person both for market analysis – due to his involvement in Clean Horizon’s CHESS storage project database- and regulatory watch – due to his central role in delivering Clean Horizon’s monthly analyst note, Update from the Field.

Lead Consultant / Head of Training
Naim El Chami, MSc.

With an experience in market and regulatory analysis for energy storage, at Clean Horizon, Oksana leads growth, marketing and communication initiatives, contributing to the company’s strategic objectives. Additionally, she is also involved in the company’s commercial development activities.

Oksana Shkiray MSc.

Amira graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from École Polytechnique in Algeria and obtained an additional Master’s degree in Physics & Energy Engineering from CentraleSupélec, as well as a Specialised Master in Optimization of Energy Systems from Mines Paris (France).

Before joining Clean Horizon, Amira worked on examining the carbon footprint of a drug production process. She focused particularly on the impact of energy usage, recognizing the significant role it plays in greenhouse gas emissions.
She currently works at Clean Horizon as an analyst in both technical consulting and market analysis teams. Amira speaks English, French and Arabic.

Amira Belazougui MSc.
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Calendar September 25, 2024
Forecasting energy storage revenue trends and opportunities in France and Iberia

Don’t miss our upcoming webinar “Forecasting Energy Storage Revenue Trends and Opportunities in France and Iberia”
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 – 2:00 PM (CEST)

Calendar September 24, 2024
Сlean Horizon will take part in the SOLARPLAZA SUMMIT Nordics

Join us in Copenhagen on October 3rd for a day of insights and networking on the opportunities for energy storage in the Nordics.

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